About Us » Partnerships


Who are our partners?

We have two primary partners who will help us in our work. New Visions for Public Schools is our intermediary who has opened over 80 new small schools in New York City. These schools are called New Century High Schools because they offer public school students both choice and quality for their high school education. The Civic Leadership Academy is part of the New Century High Schools family and is proud to share the commitment to student excellence that characterizes these schools. For more information about New Visions for Public Schools and the 10 Core Commitments that all New Century High Schools share, please visit www.newvisions.org.

Our community-based partner is the Child Center of NY, Inc., a Queens-based non-profit organization that has a long and distinguished history of serving the youths and families of Queens. The Child Center of NY, Inc. will be instrumental in supporting the development of the Civic Leadership Academy, particularly with infusing youth development principles and practices throughout the curriculum and establishing the service learning program of the school. For more information about the Child Center of NY, Inc., please www.childcenterny.org.